
Rather rare passiflora species, which is considered by a lot of people as the most beautiful Tacsonia.

Verkoopprijs: € 14,50


This really superb Tacsonia find its habitat on altitudes of 3.000 to 6.000m in the Andes Mountains of Bolivia. At this moment people wonder if it still occurs in free nature, it is well possible that has extinct. Also in culture there are only still a few plants, mainly in the US at the San Francisco Botanical garden where also the pictures have been taken. That it does so well over there has to do with the created climate, chilly and much fog. That is, as it happens, the circumstances in which it can grow well. Thereby it also won’t flourish until it has grown out to a large plant. In the Netherlands there are some Parritae’s and in 2009 one of the flourished at Henk Wouters in Weert, which was the first time in Europe. All in all it’s a plant for the serious passion flower enthusiastic with much patience and who also can offer the right circumstances, which fits its original surroundings. It definitely doesn’t like heat. The Parritae in my collection originates from the plant of Henk wouters and that one descends of the plant in San Francisco. It is a species which is very difficult to multiply, however I managed to create a few.1 pro kunde

1 plant per klant .1 plant per customer.


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